
Showing posts from April, 2021

Five and a Half Ways to Explain and Sell Comfort to Your Customers

  The most common objection you hear when talking to customers about various levels of air conditioning systems probably has to do with price.  While this is a challenging hurdle to overcome, many times customers fail to assign costs to aspects of their life that are often overlooked, but greatly valued.  One such aspect is comfort.  When talking to a customer about their options it is often helpful to talk less about product functionality and more about comfort.  The following 5.5 tips can help guide you. 1.  Define comfort  – Sometimes the easiest way to define something is by describing what it isn’t.  Ask your customer if they had temperature swings on humid days between cycles, had hot and cold spots in the home, or trouble sleeping in the summer.  By getting them to talk about issues they have it’s easier to define what life is like without them – comfort. 2.   Introduce the concept of air quality  – A properly sized system will enable the air flow within the home to remain fresh